Creating Your Own Website with Amazon EC2 and RDS


3 min read

Creating Your Own Website with Amazon EC2 and RDS

๐Ÿš€ Introduction: Setting the Stage for Your Website Adventure

So, you've decided to build your own website, but the technical jargon seems overwhelming. Fear not! In this guide, we'll walk through the process of setting up your own WordPress site using Amazon EC2 and RDS. Think of it as a virtual space for your thoughts, ideas, or even cat pictures! ๐Ÿ˜บ

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Step 1: Launching Your Virtual Space - Amazon EC2 Instance

  1. Sign in to AWS: Head over to Amazon Web Services and sign in (or create an account if you don't have one).

  2. Launch EC2 Instance: Click on EC2, then "Launch Instance." Choose an Ubuntu AMI (Amazon Machine Image) because it's beginner-friendly. ๐Ÿค–

  3. Instance Configuration: Select an instance type, and don't forget to add storage. This is where all your website's files will live.

  4. Security Group Settings: Create a new security group to control traffic to your instance. Open ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) for web traffic.

  5. Key Pair: Create or choose a key pair for secure access. Download the private key file (e.g., .pem) โ€“ keep it safe!

  6. Launch and Connect: Launch your instance and connect to it using a tool like PuTTY (for Windows) or Terminal (for MacOS/Linux). Use the key pair for authentication.

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Step 2: Database Magic - Amazon RDS for MySQL

  1. Navigate to RDS: In the AWS Management Console, find RDS.

  2. Create a Database: Click "Create Database." Choose MySQL, set your DB details, and create a master username and password.

  3. Configure Advanced Settings: Adjust settings like backup, monitoring, and maintenance based on your preferences.

  4. Security Group for RDS: Create a new security group and allow access to your EC2 instance's security group.

  5. Launch Database: Review your configurations and launch the database.

โš™๏ธ Step 3: WordPress Wonderland - Installing on Ubuntu

  1. Access Your EC2 Instance: Use your terminal/PuTTY and the private key to connect to your EC2 instance.

  2. Update Packages: Run sudo apt update to ensure your server has the latest package information.

  3. Install Required Software: Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and other dependencies with sudo apt install tasksel and then sudo tasksel install lamp-server.

  4. Download WordPress: Go to your /var/www/html directory and download WordPress using sudo wget and extract it.

  5. Configure WordPress: Set up the WordPress configuration file with your RDS database details.

  6. Final Touch: Open your web browser and navigate to your EC2 instance's public IP. Complete the WordPress setup.

๐ŸŽ‰ Congratulations! Your Website Is Live!

You've successfully created a virtual space for your ideas and creations. Feel free to explore and customize your WordPress site further. Remember, this guide is here to make your journey into the web development world as smooth as possible. Enjoy your new online presence! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ
